
Sermons preached at Twickenham United Reformed Church

I don’t claim to be a great preacher, or even a good one, but as a member of Twickenham United Reformed Church I occasionally led worship, and in my latter years I generally followed a theme of my own rather than preaching on the lectionary readings for that Sunday.

Hymn and History

Hymn and History [PDF 250K]: A series of 13 evening services led by Tony at Twickenham United Reformed Church between 2004 and 2007 which trace the history of the church through 2,000 years, each part being accompanied by hymns of the period being looked at. Most of the information on hymns authors, and composers comes from the Companion to Rejoice and Sing and Wikipedia.

Sermons on the life of Abraham

This series on the life of Abraham was delivered in 16 parts between 1998 and 2002. I made a deliberate decision not to skip any of the Bible narrative, instead tackling the more difficult passages. If you find something helpful here, that’s good, but I am sure many people have done much better.

The texts published here closely follow the original sermon manuscripts with some editing to improve readability. When delivering the sermons I tended to extemporise the ending, thus the rather terse finish in some of the manuscripts. References to dates and times have not been updated.

Part 1: Genesis 11, 27-32: The call
Part 2: Genesis 12, 7-13:1 + 20:1-18: Economical with the truth
Part 3: Genesis 13, 1-18: What do you see?
Part 4: Genesis 14, 1-24: He brought me to his banqueting table
Part 5: Genesis 15: The promise is sealed
Part 6: Genesis 16: Giving God a helping hand
Part 7: Genesis 17: A change of name and a sign of the covenant
Part 8: Genesis 18, 1-16: Three visitors
Part 9: Genesis 18, 17-33: Bargaining with God
Part 10: Genesis 19, 1-26: God the judge
Part 11: Genesis 21, 1-21: Abraham’s importance in Islam
Part 12: Genesis 22, 1-19: Put to the ultimate test
Part 13: Genesis 21, 22-34: People who can be trusted
Part 14: Genesis 23: Death of a princess
Part 15: Genesis 24: The good and faithful servant
Part 16: Genesis 25:1-10: The end of the journey