Tape Recording Mag 1957 (3/3)

Adverts from Tape Recording April 1957

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Uher tape recorder ad

Ad for Uher 95S from A.Prince Industrial Products Ltd, 34 Marylebone High Street

Verdik tape recorder ad

Another long forgotten name: Verdik Sales Ltd, 8 Rupert Court, Wardour Street, W1. At that time this part of London was a mixture of film-related businesses, strip clubs and electronic shops, many of the latter having built their businesses selling army surplus. Deck shown is a Lane 2-speed Mark VI. My first tape recorder was a Verdik – it was valve-powered and the deck surface would get too hot to touch.

Walter tape recorder ad

The Walter 303 – “a really good instrument for only thirty nine guineas”. Walter Instruments Limited, 172 Garth Road, Morden, Surrey

Wyndsor tape recorder ad

Ad for the Wyndsor Regent 2-speed tape recorder, 54 guineas. Made by the Magnetic Recording Company, 99 Shacklewell Lane, London E8

And one from the mid-1960s, my dearly loved Philips EL3558, all-transistor two-speed four-track recorder, bought secondhand for £25 from The Den, Teddington. Sadly it ended up at the council dump. Before I emigrated in 2008 I put it on eBay with a zero reserve but no one wanted it.

Phillips EL3558 tape recorder

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