These notes were compiled by Vic Rosewarne during the 1990s. Vic was a member and later Chairman of the Borough of Twickenham Local History Society
The King’s Arms was one of the first Beer Houses opened in Twickenham following the Beer House Act of 1830. This Act permitted any householder, who paid domestic rates, to buy a licence from the Customs and Excise and open his or her house for the sale of beer and cider only. The licence initially cost two guineas, later rising to five.
Originally run by Radford Parpworth, who was also a builder and carpenter, it was taken over by David Healey around 1854. He had previously run the Prince Albert Beer House in Hounslow Road, Whitton. After his death, in about 1865, it was run by his wife, Sophia, and later his son Walter until 1933. In 1870 the licence was in danger of being lost as the house was thought by the licensing magistrates to be of insufficent value; alterations and extensions were then made which brought the rateable value up. The present building was erected on the site of the previous house in 1926.
See also: The Duke’s Head
I have been trying to contact Vic Rosewarne for some time. He was a childhood friend and best man at my wedding. I note that you say “the late Victor …” above. Do you have any further information? My information is that there is no record that he has died, but I know these records can be incomplete.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your query. I did have in my mind that Vic had passed away but on enquiry can’t substantiate this; he dropped out of the Borough of Twickenham Local History Society many years ago and has not been in contact since. I’ve deleted the reference to the late Vic Rosewarne and if you’re still with us, Vic, my profuse apologies.